Thursday, 7 February 2019

Challenge 500 at CRAFT Challenge and time to celebrate.

And you know how I like to celebrate. As this challenge is a colour combo, this means I have created a few papers for the team to use. 90 to be exact and I will share a few here as freebies. Obviously, these are for your personal use only and not to be shared or sold (anything you create with them can be sold, but not the papers themselves)

I hope you find these papers helpful to take part in our challenge. First the ones you could also find at CRAFT Challenge

And now a few extras, I hope you like them.

And while you are looking here, why don't you have a look at my blog informing you of my books? My first book is available as a freebie at Amazon and Draft2Digital. You can find more here: or on my Facebook Page:



1 comment:

  1. These are all lovely Jo. I am going to have a hard time deciding which ones that I use (assuming I get my printer to work with enough time).


Thank you for leaving a comment, all your comments mean a lot to me and are very welcome and much appreciated. If you download any of my freebies a comment would be very much appreciated as well as any feedback on the freebies.

Thank you for visiting and hope to see you here again soon.

